Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dating From The Dynastic Period Of Egypt - 1207 Words

Dating from the Dynastic Period of Egypt (3000-2938 BCE), the Narmer Pallet is one of the most important archeological findings to date. Previous to king Narmer, Lower and Upper Egypt were divided and frequently at war with each other. The common belief of most historians is that the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt was due to the influence and propaganda of King Narmer and his court. On one side of the palette, king Narmer is pictured with the bulbed-white crown of Upper Egypt, while on the other side, it portrays the king wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, the papyrus. Illustrating one of the earliest known characterizations of an Egyptian king, the palette has be referred to as â€Å"the first historical document in the world† by Egyptologist Bob Brier. Historians regard King Narmer as the king who unified Lower and Upper Egypt, and thus the father of the Early Dynastic Period. Carved from a single piece of dark gray-green siltstone, the Narmer Palette is shield-shaped and stands at about 63 centimeters tall. In the past, the stone has often been misidentified as being a slate or schist. Slate is layered and prone to flaking, while schist is a metamorphic rock containing large, unevenly distributed mineral grains. Both slate and schist are unlike the finely grained siltstone, which was used continuously during the pre-dynastic period for creating palettes, and also was used as a source for Old Kingdom statuary art. The Palette, which has survived five millennia in almostShow MoreRelatedDating From The Dynastic Period Of Egypt1850 Words   |  8 Pages(Title) Dating from the Dynastic Period of Egypt (3000-2938 BCE), the Narmer Pallet is one of the most important archeological findings to date. Previous to king Narmer, Lower and Upper Egypt were divided and frequently at war with each other. 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